Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Process Charts > Types of diagrams used for Business Process Modeling > Process Charts > Events in Process Charts
Events in Process Charts
You can model business events on a Process Chart diagram. Alternatively, you can model events on a Process Map diagram. A business event is something that happens in the business, for example, Customer Places Order.
Every Process Thread in an organization is kicked off by an event.
Event Types
An event can be classified by its type:
External actual
Initiated by an external agent taking some specific action, for example, Customer Places Order.
External Temporal
Triggers business activities based on the arrival of a particular point in time. These reflect a requirement of the environment, not a limitation of the technology used in the process thread under consideration. Example: Time to Pay Taxes.
Internal Actual
Represents activity initiated either by some role player within the process thread or by a result of another process thread.
Internal temporal
Trigger business activities based on the arrival of a particular point in time. Unlike External Temporal Events, however, an Internal Temporal Events represents a process design decision rather than a requirement of the environment.
See also
Process Charts