Architecting and designing > IDEF > IDEF0 > Calculating cost in IDEF0 diagrams > Defining activity cost data in IDEF0
Defining activity cost data in IDEF0
You can define cost data for activities in IDEF0 diagrams.
1 Double-click the activity to define.
2 In the Model-Object-Function/Activity dialog box, click the Activity Based Costing (ABC) tab. In the Frequency box, enter the number of times this activity will occur in relation to the other activities in the diagram.
3 In the Cost Pool-(Cost Driver) field, type a name for a cost driver or click Choices to drag a cost driver from the list.
Cost drivers are those things which cause a given activity to accumulate cost. A cost driver is a factor whose occurrence creates cost. Cost drivers for a particular activity are placed together in a cost pool. In addition, costs are tied to a cost center, such as human resources. Cost centers can be derived from other cost centers. Cost figures are monetary.
Now you need to add and define the cost driver.
See also
Calculating cost in IDEF0 diagrams