Architecting and designing > IDEF > IDEF3 > Modeling processes with IDEF3
Modeling processes with IDEF3
The IDEF3 process model describes what a system does. This model captures constraints on the system, including resource and temporal relationships.
The basic building blocks of IDEF3 Process Flow diagram descriptions are: Units of Behavior, junctions, links, referents, and decompositions. The following image shows an example of a process flow diagram.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Units of Behavior in IDEF3 process models
Links in IDEF3 process models
Junctions in IDEF3 process models
Creating a scenario diagram in IDEF3 process modeling
Creating IDEF3 decomposition diagrams
Defining referents
Defining a Scenario in IDEF3 Process Modeling
Propagating scenarios in IDEF3 process models
Running the Rules Check command in IDEF3 process modeling
IDEF3 process flow diagram properties