Architecting and designing > IDEF > IDEF3 > Modeling processes with IDEF3 > Defining referents
Defining referents
Referents allow the analyst to symbolize one of a number of tasks required in the analysis process. Referents are an easy way to express ideas or concepts in lieu of junction types, dashed arrows, or constraint language statements. Referents represent objects or information critical to the completion of a scenario or Process Flow diagram.
Referents allow you to specify the following in the model:
Span multiple pages or loop back in a diagram layout (Go To),
Refer to a previously defined UOB without duplication of its definition. This indicates that another instance of this UOB occurs at a specific point in the process (without loop back) (UOB),
Emphasize the participation of particular objects or relations in a UOB (Object),
Tie in specific examples of referenced data or objects (for example, screen layouts) (Elaboration),
Associate special constraint sets to junctions; that is, associate an elaboration with a junction to describe additional facts, constraints, or decision logic which limit how that junction works (Junction), and
Form references or links between the Process Flow and IDEF3 OSTN diagrams (Scenario and OSTN).
You can think of a scenario as:
A particular recurring situation which requires documentation,
A set of situations which describes a typical class of problems addressed by an organization or system, or
The setting in which a process occurs.
To connect a referent to a Precedence Link
1 Draw the referent.
2 Hold down the SHIFT key and multiselect the Precedence link (drawn between two UOB's), and the referent symbol you want to connect.
3 Right-click the selection, and then click Draw > Link Precedence with Referent.
You can use the same procedure to connect Relational and Object Flow Links to referents as well.
To disconnect a referent from a Precedence Link
Select the Referent Symbol; then and click Draw > Unlink Referent.
To Unlink
Select the Referent Symbol and select Unlink Referent from the Draw menu.
See also
Modeling processes with IDEF3