Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Acquisition Views products > Building AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagrams
Building AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagrams
You can model Projects and the status of numerous Project properties at various Milestones using the AcV-2 Acquisition Programme timeline diagram.
Milestones are represented as circles positioned on the project's phase bar. Each Milestone is divided into sections so that it resembles a pie. Each section of the Milestone 'pie' represents a particular Project Thread that you are tracking, such as Equipment, Logistics, Infrastructure, Organization, Doctrine, Information, Personal, and Training. The color of the pie section represents the status of that particular Project Thread at that Milestone, as specified later on this page.
The diagram summarizes, for each of the Projects illustrated, the level of maturity achieved across the Defence Line of Development (DLOD) at each stage of the CADMID lifecycle. You can also draw Dependency lines between Milestones of different projects, thereby modeling the interdependencies between the Project stages.
Example of an AcV-2 diagram
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Creating custom default milestones for projects
Running rules checks for creation of milestones
Filtering the Milestones that are shown on diagrams
Setting pink as the default colour for the pre-first Milestone
AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagram reference
Creating Acquisition Views products