Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Acquisition Views products > Building AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagrams > Creating custom default milestones for projects
Creating custom default milestones for projects
You can create your own set of Milestones for any Project. You can also define a standard set of Milestones so that all new Projects that you add to a diagram automatically have the standard set.
If there are no existing Projects on an AcV-2 diagram, the milestones specified in the Model System Project for an encyclopedia become the default milestones set for all new Projects drawn on a diagram. The Model System Project is predefined with the set of MODAF-specified milestones. You can change this set by editing the Model System Project.
To edit the Model System Project
1 In the Definitions grouping of the System Architect Explorer (Browser) of a MODAF encyclopedia, navigate to the System Project definition.
There is a System Project named “Model Project”. This definition instance is loaded into the encyclopedia upon creation of any MODAF encyclopedia, as shown in the following image.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Open the Model Project.
3 Do one of these:
Leave the MODAF-standard set of milestones.
Add your custom milestones.
If there is at least one System Project already drawn on an AcV-2 diagram, then any additional new Projects drawn on the diagram contain Milestones as specified in the topmost Project on the diagram.
System Projects dragged onto a diagram from the Explorer (Browser) display the Milestones contained in their definition, not the ones specified by MODAF or the ones on the topmost Project on the diagram. Projects on a diagram no longer have to share the same set of milestones as defined in the topmost project, nor must they must appear in the same order. Therefore, you can create a diagram that has a heterogeneous group of System Projects definitions.
See also
Building AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagrams