Architecting and designing > NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) > NAF v4 > Service Viewpoints > S5 – Service States
S5 – Service States
The S5 – Service States viewpoint of NAF v4 is a diagram type that enables you to get a state-like view of Service Connectors (which are really the state of a Service as it is doing something – sending resources to another Service) and ServiceSpecifications or ServiceInterfaces (which are analogous to the transition of a Service from one state to another).
One easy way to model this viewpoint is to:
1 Open the Choices dialog (right-click diagram workspace and select Choices) – and select-and-drag ServiceConnectors already created in the encyclopedia onto the diagram workspace.
2 Optionally select Format > Symbol Format > Line Style and choose the line style – usually Elliptical Arcs, or Straight – Any Orientation work well for a state-machine diagram. See Important Tips on Line Drawing Mode for advice on how to draw Elliptical Arcs.
3 Build transitions between the Service Connectors (represented as circular state nodes) – the transitions are actually the ServiceInterfaces or ServiceSpecifications needed in the architecture (remember – you can draw ServiceConnectors between ServiceInterfaces (that belong to a ServiceSpecification) or draw ServiceConnectors directly between ServiceSpecifications (if you have not defined interfaces).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Parent topic
Service Viewpoints