Architecting and designing
Text (TXT) files
Text format is less powerful than CSV, because you can import and export descriptions only. If you have other properties to import, you must use a ‘Comma‑separated value (CSV) files.
Here is what a typical text formatted file might look like:
8-digit unique number <<CustName>> "Use last name, comma, space, first name, space, middle initial" <<CustHouse>> Home address ................... ............. ......
Note The easiest way to determine what a valid text file should look like is to use the Dictionary menu: Export Definitions command to inspect its output.
The name of the dictionary entry should be surrounded with << and >>. It should be the only text on the line.
If you have comments or other text that the import should ignore, delimit them with /* and */:
House number /* Note: please check this line */
During import, all comments and all control characters except tabs are removed. Trailing carriage returns are also removed.
For information about the import options for text (.TXT) files, see ‘Import options for TXT.