Architecting and designing
Access Control for workspaces
Impacts of check out/frozen states on SA and SAEM operations:
Prepare workspace with content, perform normal check-outs:
A user cannot baseline that workspace.
A user cannot check out those items to a workspace in either that workspace or a parent workspace.
Prepare workspace with content, perform normal freezes:
A user can still baseline that workspace.
A user can still then unfreeze an item in the child workspace and continue working.
There is an additional check out/freeze option (see Check out/freeze to workspace) which is presented for workspaces, which is to check out/freeze to workspace. This allows that status to be inherited by the same item in child workspaces.
Check out/freeze to workspace
This is allowed if item(s) are:
not checked out/frozen by normal method,
and not checked out/frozen to workspace in current workspace or workspace in parent workspace tree,
and not checked out/frozen to leaf workspace in child workspace tree.
Reports conflicts if found; can only proceed if not checked out/frozen; say which workspace an item was checked out to.
Icon presented in Explorer is the same as for a normal check out or freeze operation.
Check in/unfreeze to workspace allowed if the item has been checked out/frozen to the current workspace.
If not checked out to current workspace but to a parent, then the user is informed that the item is checked out to another workspace.
Check out/freeze is allowed in leaf workspace if not already checked out/frozen and not checked out/frozen to current workspace or a workspace in the parent workspace tree.
Reports conflicts if found; it can only proceed if item(s) are not checked out/frozen; these state which workspace an item was checked out to and by whom.
Check in/unfreeze is allowed in leaf workspace if already checked out/frozen.
Prepare workspace with content, perform normal check-outs:
A user cannot baseline that workspace.
A user cannot check out those items to a workspace in either that workspace or a parent workspace.
Prepare workspace with content, perform normal freezes:
A user can still baseline that workspace.
A user can still then unfreeze an item in the child workspace and continue working.
Prepare workspace A with content, perform check-outs to workspace, baseline it, create child workspaces.
In the child workspaces:
Items are seen to be checked out through Explorer icon.
A user cannot then re-check out item or freeze it if it was checked out to a workspace in the parent workspace tree.
A different user cannot edit an item checked out to the workspace or a workspace in the parent workspace tree.
Create more dependent items – these then have to be checked out, either using the normal method, or to workspace.
SA will restrict operation if the parent item would need to be modified and the active user was not the user who checked it out.
Remove dependent items – allowed if they are not checked out/checked out to workspace, or they are checked out to the active user.
SA will restrict operation if the parent item would need to be modified and the active user was not the user who checked it out.
User cannot remove the check-out status through child workspaces, only by ‘checking in to workspace’ in the workspace it was checked it out to.
User would be informed of which workspace the item was checked out to and by whom, on opening the Access Control dialog.
Create sibling of workspace A – user is free to do what they want in that workspace; if they wanted the check-out to apply there, you would apply it to the parent workspace of A.
User cannot perform a check-out to workspace on the same item higher up the parent workspace tree from the workspace it was checked out to.
User must perform check in to workspace in order to remove the checked out setting.
Prepare workspace with content, perform freeze to workspace.
Items are seen to be frozen through Explorer icon and cannot be worked on until item is ‘unfrozen to workspace’ in the workspace it was frozen to.