Architecting and designing > SOA > Services > Application portfolio
Application portfolio
The Application definition represents physical pieces of software. It contains the following chapters and properties.
The Functionality tab allows you to specify details of the services functionality that the application provides.
Provides Services
Specify the Services that this particular Application makes available for use by the business.
Consumes Services
Detail the Services that this particular Application can request in its execution.
Supports Components
In the earlier stages of analysis, or as an alternative to detailed specification of the Services that a particular application offers, it might be sufficient to describe only the Service Components that the Application provides.
The Fate chapter allows for description of the in/out of service dates and the next stage in the lifecycle of the Application.
System Fate
Specify what the future destiny of the Application is.
Commission Date
Add the date when the Application is to be prepared for use.
Decommission Date
Add the date when the Application is to be removed from service.
Upgrade Date
Date when upgrades are planned for.
Disaster Recovery
Specify the degree of disaster recovery status that the Application is capable of recovering from in the event of a catastrophic failure and its support status.
Disaster Recovery Capability
Specify the degree to which this Application is capable of recovery in the event of a catastrophic failure.
Support Status
Indicate the current support status of the Application.
Action Required
Briefly describe actions required to support the state of readiness and preparation for disaster recovery.
See also