Architecting and designing > SOA
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) starts with a solid architecture that might or might not use web technologies.
This solution enables the planning of a SOA. In this solution you are introduced to the concept of a Service and allow you to build and categorize a portfolio of services that describe the functionality provided by the IT/IS function to the business. It is vital to understand how these services are utilized by the business so these services can be mapped to BPMN business process definitions. Subsequently, you must understand how these services are supported by the IT/IS infrastructure. To aid this services can be mapped to applications. When this structure has been built this solution provides a series of tools to ask questions of the architecture to assist in the planning of the business.
Before you start
Load the metamodel.
The process for modelling SOA with this solution is as described below:
Business Process (BPMN)
Application Landscape Diagram Introduction
Application Portfolio
Build Projects
Building The Service Model
Run Service Roadmap Report
Service Hierarchy
See Services.
Application landscape diagram introduction
The Application Landscape diagram is used to illustrate the Applications and Services architectures. The creation of user-defined scenarios executed against the models visually provides an insight into the application and services architecture that would be otherwise difficult to comprehend.
For more information, see Application landscape diagram.
Load metamodel
The System Architect for SOA solution provides a set of configuration files, images, matrices, and definitions that need to be incorporated into each encyclopedia in preparation for modeling with the System Architect for SOA solution. An encyclopedia is prepared by loading the metamodel into the encyclopedia. This needs to be carried out just one time against an encyclopedia and can be performed at any time, good practice would be to do this at the time of initial creation of the encyclopedia.
For more information, see Load metamodel.
Matrices in the System Architect for SOA solution
See Matrices in the System Architect for SOA solution.
Build projects
The notion of projects is supported in the System Architect for SOA solution where projects implement plans and where plans are used to control the introduction, retirement, and modification of Services that are supported on Applications.
For more information, see Build projects.
Run service roadmap report
The Roadmap Report examines Services and the Project/Service Plan and Application that they modify and creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains a timeline view of the Services and Applications and their changes over time.
For more information, see Run service roadmap report.