Architecting and designing > SOA > Services > Automated build of service hierarchies
Automated build of service hierarchies
To build a Service Hierarchy model, populate a Service Component definition with the Services that it provides and the Component Category that it belongs to.
1 Create a Service Component Definition.
2 Populate the Category property of the Service Component by adding a Component Category.
3 Add Services to the Service Component definition: either add new Services, or click Choices, and then drag from the choices presented.
4 Create a Service Hierarchy diagram, and then put the Component Category symbols of interest on it.
5 Attach all Component Category symbols to a Business Domain symbol to complete the model.
6 Click Tools > Application Landscape Tools > Build Service Hierarchies.
This adds the Service and Service Component symbols that a particular Component Category provides.
Example service hierarchy diagram after automated build of services
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also