Architecting and designing > SOA > Application landscape diagram
Application landscape diagram
The Application Landscape diagram is used to illustrate the Applications and Services architectures. The creation of user-defined scenarios executed against the models visually provides an insight into the application and services architecture that would be otherwise difficult to comprehend.
This diagram type is complemented with a series of tools to automatically build and query scenarios:
Scenarios can be built automatically using the Build landscape from template tool to run Application Landscape Reports. Here a symbol can be filled with related symbols based on the rules defined in the report.
Scenarios can then be questioned by Run analytics onto the diagram.
To work with an Application Landscape diagram it is necessary to specify the starting point criteria for the diagram by creating the diagram and then dragging and dropping existing permitted definitions onto the diagram, or alternatively by adding new permitted symbols types into the diagram. Any combination and number of these types are used as a starting point for traversing through their relationships to other System Architect objects for the purpose of performing analysis; the results of which are rendered visibly on the diagram.
Permitted symbol types
The permitted symbol types are listed below.
Component Category
Service Component
Physical Application
Physical Location
Physical Server
The Physical Application, Physical Location, and Physical Server symbols are defined respectively by Application, Location, and Server definitions.
Using the application landscape diagram
1 Creating an application landscape diagram diagram and manually add starting symbols.
2 Build landscape from template.
3 Run analytics.
Reports and analytics
The reports and analytics used to build these diagrams are created as described below:
1 Build application landscape reports.
2 Build analytics.
See also
Creating an application landscape diagram
Build landscape from template
Auto build landscape
Refresh landscape from template
Executing and clearing analytics on a diagram
Run analytics
Build application landscape reports
Build application landscape report with parameters
Build analytics