Architecting and designing > SOA > Build projects
Build projects
The notion of projects is supported in the System Architect for SOA solution where projects implement plans and where plans are used to control the introduction, retirement, and modification of Services that are supported on Applications.
Projects that are created comprise a series of Project/Service Plans for each application impacted by the project. A Project/Service Plan is a plan of activities to modify the functionality for a particular application.
Having created a project service plan, creating a timeline view report shows the status of a Service as it changes over time.
1 Create a new Project definition, for example “My Marketplace.”
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Specify the Start Date and Completion Date for the Project (these dates are used in generating timeline views: see Run service roadmap report.)
3 Click the Service Plans chapter and add a Project/Service Plan, for example named “Build Market.”
4 Define the Project/Service Plan by specifying the “Start Date” and “Completion Date” for the plan (these dates are also used in generating timeline views).
5 Add the name of the Application to which the Project/Service Plan relates.
6 Click the Services chapter, and then add the Services that this plan adds or changes. Services that are removed are restricted to those that are provided by the Application referenced in this plan.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also