Architecting and designing > TOGAF > Building deliverables for the TOGAF Architecture Development Method > Building deliverables for Phase B: Business Architecture > Diagram types to describe business architecture > Cross-Domain Relationships Diagram
Cross-Domain Relationships Diagram
The Cross-Domain Relationships Diagram enables you to get a “50,000 foot”, top-to-bottom view of aspects of the organization – from Business Capabilities or Strategies, down to the Application Versions, and Technologies deployed to enable them.
The diagram enables you to model most TOGAF definition types, and additional ones can be added through usrprops.txt.
Relationships – “Help Me Pick a Line Type”
The “is related to” relationship is used to create relationships between definition types. You must know what the From and To definition type can be. To help in determine what relation can be drawn between different definition types, use the “Help Me Pick a Line Type” wizard.
1 Select Draw > Help Me Pick a Line Type.
2 In the “Help Me Pick a Line Type” dialog, select the From and To definition and click OK. You will be in draw mode to draw a line from the chosen definition types.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.