Architecting and designing > UML 2.5 > Relationships > Realization
Realization is a specialized Abstraction dependency between two sets of NamedElements, one representing a specification (the supplier) and the other representing an implementation of that specification (the client).
To create a Realization, you can:
Draw a Realization line from the Client to the Supplier.
The Realization Node and Lines option supports drawing of two lines with a central node in a single action. This action is described in Line Wizard for lines with Central node symbols.
Draw a Realization node accessed from Realization\Dependency node, and then draw the lines to the Client and Supplier separately. This procedure is described in Creating a Realization and connecting lines separately.
The Realization option supports drawing of a single line to represent the relationship.
Where a Realization Node symbol exists on a diagram, the refresh for representational consistency action will hide any new Realization line that represents the same relationship.
See also
Collaboration Property to Part
Comment to AnnotatedElement
Component Provides (Realizes) Interface
Component Requires (Uses) Interface
Constraint to ConstrainedElement
ElementGroup to Element
Instance Specification Relationships
Package Containment
Package Import
Port Provides (Realizes) Interface
Port Requires (Uses) Interface
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