Customizing the metamodel > Customizing the repository metamodel: SAPROPS.CFG and USRPROPS.TXT > How it works
How it works
When an encyclopedia is opened, the software first parses SAPROPS.CFG, and then USRPROPS.TXT. Any properties in USRPROPS.TXT override similar ones in SAPROPS.CFG.
SAPROPS.CFG and USRPROPS.TXT are in the directory which has the System Architect executable module, and in the Files table of each encyclopedia database. When a new encyclopedia is created, the files are copied from the subdirectory which has the System Architect executable module into the Files table of the new encyclopedia.
If the standard property sets that come with System Architect work for your projects “as is,” you do not have to customize USRPROPS.TXT.
If you want to set properties to make sure your company and project standards are followed for every new project, make as many modifications as you need in a “standard USRPROPS.TXT.” Put that standard in the executable subdirectory: it will be copied to all new encyclopedias.
See also
Customizing the repository metamodel: SAPROPS.CFG and USRPROPS.TXT