Customizing the metamodel > What you can do with USRPROPS/SAPROPS > Layout capabilities > Grids, list boxes, and text boxes > List boxes
List boxes
There are two types of list box:
those that reference a list that is specified by the List command earlier in USRPROPS.TXT or in SAPROPS.CFG
those that reference a definition (for example, One Of “Class”, List Of “Data”, ParmListOf “Method”, and so on).
Lists that reference a predefined list
Text List
A text list enables the user to make one selection from the choices provided by the predefined list, or type their own value.
A ListOnly List enables the user to make one selection from the choices provided by the predefined list; they cannot type a new value.
See also LISTONLY.
Similar to the ListOnly List, the ListOnlyCombo list also makes the list a dropdown combination list even if there are four or less items in the list (if ListOnly is used, this defaults to radio buttons).
Lists that reference a definition
ONEOF "<Definition>" LISTOF"<Definition>" ParmListOf "<Definition>"
See also ONEOF and LISTOF.
See also
Grids, list boxes, and text boxes