Customizing the metamodel > Diagrams: Creating and modifying > Adding new diagram types
Adding new diagram types
You can create up to 100 new diagram types in a System Architect encyclopedia. To add a new diagram type, you rename one of 100 generic diagram types available: User 1 through User 100.
Rename Diagram "User 3" to "whatever"
You cannot rename a generic user name to an existing diagram name. For example, the following is not valid because “Entity Relation” is already in use:
Rename Diagram "User 3" to "Entity Relation"
Diagram properties
After a new diagram has been created, it has one default property: Description. There is no need to add any other properties to the diagram; but if you need to, see Adding and changing properties of diagrams.
Adding symbols to the new diagram
After you have created a new diagram type, you can assign symbols to it: see Assigning symbols to diagrams.
Effects on the explorer
New diagram types are automatically added to the All Methods tab of the explorer. There is no facility to also add them to other tabs.
See also
Diagrams: Creating and modifying