Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > #INCLUDE, #INCLUDEX, #INCLUDEENC, #INCLUDEXENC
Use #INCLUDE to break changes into separate, additional files. Inside each of those files, there can be other includes, which in turn can have other includes, and so on. The level of nesting allowed by the parser is 10.
This command helps enable coherent reusability of user-defined data.
The X variants mean that property set compilation will succeed if the file is missing.
The ENC variants mean that the referenced file is encrypted (see Encrypted files).
You could create three USRPROPS.TXT files:
one for diagrams (arbitrarily named DIAGRAMS.TXT)
one for definitions (DEFINITIONS.TXT)
one for symbols (SYMBOLS.TXT).
The USRPROPS.TXT file would look like this:
REM "Copyright UNICOM Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."
REM "Instructions for modifying this file are in the on-line help."
#include "diagrams.txt"
#include "symbols.txt"
#include definitions.txt
In each of those files, you could place #INCLUDEs to other files, such as a file for lists.
Encrypted files
You can encrypt certain files to create and distribute the USRPROPS.TXT files while protecting your work.
You must distribute a USRPROPS.TXT file with an #includexenc "filename.txt" specification and remember that the contents of the “Property Set” folder could be replaced by a System Architect installation.
Prefix the files with your company name and keep each version of the unencrypted file, because UNICOM Systems, Inc. cannot decrypt these files. SAEM provides the option to encrypt files and this is restricted to certain files and there is protection against repeated encryption. System Architect decrypts only included files that are specified as encrypted and the decrypted file is not available for users to access.
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS