Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > LABEL
The LABEL command is used for these purposes:
ALIGN command argument
Changing the name of tabs, groups and properties
Renaming a group in a definition
ALIGN command argument
LABEL is one of the arguments of the ALIGN command. It aligns all controls one space to the right of the widest label in that column. (Contrast this with the ALIGN OVER keyword pair, which places the name over the property.)
In the following example, the control for “My Really Long Property 23" is a text box placed one space to the right of the label. All other text-box controls for other properties on the dialog are lined up with this control.
Definition "My Definiition"{CHAPTER "My Chapter"
PROPERTY "My Property 18"{ EDIT Text Length 10}
PROPERTY "My Property 19"{ EDIT Text Length 10}
PROPERTY "My Property 20"{ EDIT Text Length 10}
PROPERTY "My Property 21"{ EDIT Text Length 10}
PROPERTY "My Property 22"{ EDIT Text Length 10}
PROPERTY "My Really Long Property 23"{ EDIT Text Length 10}
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Changing the name of tabs, groups and properties
LABEL changes the name of tabs (chapters), groups, or properties in a dialog. You cannot remove a property name which has been defined in SAPROPS. However you can change the text that is displayed for the property by using the LABEL command in USRPROPS.TXT.
The following example displays “Processing Prefix” as the label of the “Key Letters” control.
DIAGRAM "Data Flow Diagram" {
PROPERTY "Event Label Prefix"
{ EDIT Text LENGTH 10 }
PROPERTY "Key Letters"
{ EDIT text LENGTH 10 LABEL "Process Prefix" }
Renaming a group in a definition
You can use the LABEL command to rename a Group. If you specify an empty text string (" "), no words appear for the Group box.
DEFINITION "Attribute" {
GROUP "other stuff" LABEL "" }
To rename a CHAPTER, see CHAPTER.
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS