Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > VALUE
The VALUE keyword prefaces a value string in a LIST.
The following example creates a new list in USRPROPS.TXT (at the top of the file). There are five values assigned to the list. Later in the USRPROPS.TXT, in the definition of a Use Case Step, this list is employed in the “Importance” property.
In this type of list, the user can type in their own value in the Importance field.
List "Importance"
VALUE "Mandatory"
VALUE "Strongly Desired"
VALUE "Should Have"
VALUE "Icing on the Cake"
VALUE "Not Important"
Definition "Use Case Step"
{ PROPERTY "Importance"
{ EDIT TEXT LIST "Importance" LENGTH 20 DEFAULT "Should Have" }
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS