Customizing the metamodel > Metamodel graphical editor > Creating user definition properties
Creating user definition properties
User Definition Properties are used to further define your User Definition Types. For example, if you have a User Definition Type called Book, you might want to define the different attributes a book can have, such as a Name, ISBN#, Author, Year of Publishing, Borrowed Date and who it was borrowed by. In this instance you would create these as User Definition Properties.
To create a User Definition Property
1 Perform one of these actions:
In the Explorer, right-click the Definitions group, and then select New Definition.
Click Dictionary > New Definition.
2 Select User Definition Property, and then specify a name for it. The following example uses “Name” to indicate the Name of the book.
3 Under the User Definition Type property, click Choices. Drag in the User Definition Type, such as Book.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 The default Edit Type property is set to Text. Leave this as Text because this is where the Name of the book would reside.
5 Click OK.
See also
Creating user definition chapters
Metamodel graphical editor