Customizing the metamodel > Diagrams: Creating and modifying > Creating roadmap-style diagrams > Style 1 > Diagram > How is each Project symbol depicted?
How is each Project symbol depicted?
Each Project symbol is depicted as a rectangle with a corresponding Time Bar located horizontally alongside it.
The Time Bar normally extends over the entire duration of the Time Scale for the diagram. The periods before initiation and after termination of the project are additional Phases. Pre-existing and Unending properties dictate whether the project bar appears before the first and after the last milestones.
Each Project Time Bar can have several Milestone symbols on it.
The Milestones are distinct model items with a Definition that is keyed by the owning Project.
A default set of Milestone definitions is created on adding a Project to the diagram.
This is based on the contents of the "Model Project" (not translated) definition if it exists, unless the diagram is configured to be filtered by the topmost project and there is already a project on the diagram. The milestones of the new project are populated in date order. Dates are assigned to the milestones from the first date in the timeline, using an interval appropriate to the selected units and interval.
If dragging a Project in from the browser, the milestones are in that definition are retained.
The symbol property “Show Timeline” dictates whether the timeline is drawn underneath the project symbol. The project symbol’s pen, brush and text styles are used.
How are Milestone symbols positioned and phases colored?
See also
What does a Time Scale symbol indicate?
How is a Milestone symbol shown?
Can a dependency line be drawn between two Milestones?
Is a diagram key provided?
What can you control?
When is the diagram synchronized?