Customizing the metamodel > Diagrams: Creating and modifying > Creating roadmap-style diagrams > Style 1 > Diagram
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This is a diagram that represents the development of a set of Projects over a selected time scale. The time scale in the example is oriented horizontally.
Summary of diagram features
A Time Scale symbol indicates the period over which the Project development is shown.
See What does a Time Scale symbol indicate?.
Each Project symbol is depicted as a rectangle with a corresponding Time Bar located horizontally alongside it.
See How is each Project symbol depicted?.
Users are not allowed to reposition milestone symbols manually or to drag milestone definitions onto the diagram. Instead, the positioning of the Milestones should be determined by (a) the date value for the Milestone and (b) the Time Scale chosen for the diagram. By default, phase colors are defined by the project and the underlying milestones but can also be defined by settings in the topmost project. However, the user can allocate the color of a phase.
See How are Milestone symbols positioned and phases colored?
A Milestone symbol is shown as a colored piechart-style icon that indicates the maturity of the Project in terms of up to eight segments. The Segments are colored indicating the status of a particular Defense Line Of Development (DLOD).
See How is a Milestone symbol shown?.
A Dependency line can be drawn between two Milestones; this is usually done between different Projects.
See Can a dependency line be drawn between two Milestones?.
A Diagram Key is provided, which indicates the color coding used for Milestones and for Phases.
See Is a diagram key provided?.
The user can to control the color of phases, the vertical positioning of projects, the horizontal positioning of milestones, and so on.
See What can you control?.
The diagram is synchronized with underlying definitions when it is opened, on pressing F3, and on OKing any change to a Project or Milestone definition.
See When is the diagram synchronized?.
See also
Property set
Rules check
Style 1