Customizing the metamodel > Customizing the repository metamodel: SAPROPS.CFG and USRPROPS.TXT > Ordering and laying out USRPROPS.TXT changes > Rules for modifying USRPROPS.TXT
Rules for modifying USRPROPS.TXT
USRPROPS.TXT entries are additions to or replacements for entries in SAPROPS.CFG or CFG files it references.
The USRPROPS.TXT entry must begin with the relevant LIST, RENAME, DIAGRAM, SYMBOL, or DEFINITION statement.
USRPROPS.TXT entries that are additions to a property set CFG file go to the end of the relevant section. For example, a LIST block not in dodaf.CFG is essentially added after all other LIST blocks in dodaf.CFG.
Unless the CHAPTER command is included, USRPROPS.TXT entries go to the end of the relevant dialog. For example, a new property for a Class definition is added after all other properties in the Class's definition dialog.
If a CHAPTER command already in a property set CFG file is included in USRPROPS.TXT, the USRPROPS.TXT entries go to the end of the existing chapter (or tab).
If a GROUP command already in a property set CFG file is included in USRPROPS.TXT, the USRPROPS.TXT entries go to the end of the existing group.
The GROUP command produces a group box, a standard Windows control, into which all subsequent controls must be placed. If there are too many entries, so that the size of the group is larger than the size of the monitor, extraneous properties are not included, and not displayed. A warning message to that affect is displayed when the encyclopedia is opened.
If a property is added to a group that has PLACEMENT commands on its properties in a property set CFG file, the PLACEMENT command must also be used for the new properties added in USRPROPS.TXT.
See also
Ordering and laying out USRPROPS.TXT changes