Customizing the metamodel > Error messages
Error messages
When System Architect opens an encyclopedia and parses its SAPROPS.CFG file and USRPROPS.TXT, it checks the syntax in the statements.
Any syntax errors are displayed in an Error dialog.
Error messages displays in the Error dialog
< > brackets indicate points at which System Architect inserts variable information, such as a property name or line number.
< > found on Line < > of USRPROPS.TXT
< > has been defined more than once
< > is already defined as a List
Cannot load DLL (STATBAR.DLL)
Cannot load DLL (STATBOX.DLL)
Chapter < > is already defined
Dictionary class < > is already defined
Description Dictionary
Illegal argument < >
Illegal argument < > - must be quoted
Illegal default < > for Boolean edit
Illegal default < > for date edit
Illegal default < > for numeric edit
Illegal default < > for time edit
Illegal default for < > ranged numeric edit
Insufficient resources to load dialog \n%s
Invalid Dictionary class Name: < >
Invalid Major Type Name: < >
Invalid Relation Name: < >
List < > is already defined
List-name < > not defined
Name < > already in use
Number of property edits (OneOf, ListOf, ExpressionOf) exceeds limit with < > on
Number of properties exceeds limit with < > on < >
Number of DISPLAYed properties exceeds limit with < > on < >
Number of lists exceeds limit with < > on < >
Number of lists exceeds limit with < > on < > (max=100)
Numeric argument < > out of range
Numeric argument expected but < > was
Out of range or invalid < > length argument
Premature end of file after < >
Previously defined list-name
Property < > is already defined
Referenced List < > is not defined
Syntax Error in < > Line <line #>
The < > edit type is only valid for the 'Description' property
Too many Lists
Too many Properties < >
Too many Values in List < >
Unable to open property file
Unbalanced begin-end or { }
Unexpected command < >
Unknown property DISPLAY type < >
Unknown dictionary name < >
Unknown edit-type < >
Unknown initial-type < >
Unknown update-type < >
Warning - RANGE found but no maximum range defined
Warning - RANGE found but no minimum range defined
Information in the dialog box
In addition to any error message, System Architect places further information in the error dialog about the syntax error found, as follows.
while checking a DEFINITION command
while checking a DISPLAY command
while checking a LIST command
while checking a VALUE command in a LIST
while checking a PROPERTY command in a DEFINITION
while checking for a DEFINITION or LIST command
Would you like to continue?
The entire error message might look like this:
Unknown property DISPLAY type < > while checking a DEFINITION command.
Maximum number of lists is 400. This includes SAPROPS and USRPROPS, where the number of lists actually used from the SAPROPS is dependent on the Encyclopedia Configuration.
Maximum number of properties for one Diagram, Symbol or Definition is 128
Maximum number of VALUES in a LIST is 128.
Runtime edits
Runtime is the time when you are drawing diagrams, and, in particular, when you are making encyclopedia entries. The dialogs displayed when you add or modify the dictionary are under control of SAPROPS.CFG and USRPROPS.TXT; the EDIT commands act to prevent the user from making erroneous entries. For example, assume SAPROPS.CFG has the following entry:
PROPERTY "My Property" { EDIT numeric LENGTH 2 MINIMUM 1 MAXIMUM 32 }
In this example, an “Invalid Value” message appears if you type AB or 0 in the “My Property” text field. This happens because the property has been specified as a numeric (that is, it cannot contain letters), of minimum value 1.
System Architect performs the following runtime edits:
Must be T, F, TRUE or FALSE
Numeric, of format MM/DD/YY
Expression, expressionof, listof, oneof
See the entries in Using ListOf, OneOf, and ExpressionOf.
Must be a numeric-string
No editing
Numeric, of format HH:MM:SS
See also
Introduction to extending metamodel with USRPROPS