Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > DRAW_TOOL_SEQ
The DRAW_TOOL_SEQ keyword sets symbol assignment processing to strict if “strict” was specified; otherwise, sets this processing to non-strict.
This affects how the Draw menu and toolbar is built.
DIAGRAM "type name or number"
DRAW_TOOL_SEQ ["strict" | other_value ]
DIAGRAM "AV-01 Overview and Summary (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL_SEQ "strict"
Usage notes
Non-strict: Line tools appear followed by node tools and any menus specified by the DRAW_MENU keyword.
Strict: Tools and menus appear in the sequence specified in the property set files.
This is processed only as a diagram is opened, so the process follows the last specification that is made.
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS