Customizing the metamodel > Diagrams: Creating and modifying > Reducing workspace complexity when editing diagrams > Creating and assigning editing modes for diagram types
Creating and assigning editing modes for diagram types
Predefined editing modes are available for business process diagrams that you can use to hide or show diagram artifacts from the user interface. To create new editing modes for a diagram type, you must create a list containing the different editing modes that you want the diagram type to work in. Then, you can link the list of modes to the target diagram type.
1 Open USRPROPS.TXT in the installation directory, typically:
\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect
2 In the file, add a List element that defines the different modes that the diagram type can edited in.
The order of the list items defines the hierarchy. Items higher in the list provide the fewest artifacts, while those items later in the list provide additional artifacts.
For example, you could add the following code to USRPROPS.TXT:
List "BPMN Levels"
VALUE "Simple"
VALUE "Descriptive"
VALUE "Analytic"
3 Set a diagram property as the MODEPROPERTY, indicating that this property of the diagram controls different modes for the diagram type.
For example, you could add the following code to USRPROPS.TXT:
DIAGRAM "Business Process"
Property "Diagram Type"
See also
Configuring modes for symbols, properties, and list items
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Reducing workspace complexity when editing diagrams