Customizing the metamodel > Diagrams: Creating and modifying > Reducing workspace complexity when editing diagrams > Configuring modes for symbols, properties, and list items
Configuring modes for symbols, properties, and list items
You can specify user interface elements and tools to include in a mode by editing USRPROPS.TXT.
1 Open USRPROPS.TXT in the product installation directory, typically:
\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect
2 To add a symbol type to a mode, type the following code into the file:
SYMBOL "symbol_type" IN "diagram_type"
MODE "mode_name"
For example, the following code specifies that the group symbol in business process diagrams is shown in descriptive mode:
SYMBOL "Group" IN "Business Process"
MODE "Descriptive"
The group symbol is also shown in analytic mode, because that mode is defined lower in the Diagram Type list hierarchy, and is therefore more inclusive.
3 To specify a property to a mode, in the file, type the following code into the file:
SYMBOL "symbol_type" IN "diagram_type"
PROPERTY "Collection" {Edit Boolean MODE "mode_name"}
For example:
SYMBOL "Pool" IN "Business Process"
PROPERTY "Collection" {Edit Boolean MODE "Analytic"}
4 To assign list items to a mode, add a mode property for the value, as in the following example of a list without depictions:
LIST "Task_Type"
VALUE "None"
VALUE "User"
VALUE "Service"
VALUE "Send" MODE "Descriptive"
VALUE "Receive" MODE “Descriptive"
VALUE "Script" MODE “Analytic"
VALUE "Abstract" MODE “Analytic"
In the following example, list items with depictions that show up on the toolbar are assigned to a mode:
List "Event Stereotypes"
Value "message“ depictions
{diagram images\msg.wmf menu images\msg.bmp}
Value "timer“ depictions
{diagram images\timer.wmf menu images\timer.bmp} MODE "Analytic"
Value "link" depictions
{diagram images\link.wmf menu images\link.bmp} MODE "Analytic"
5 Save the file, and then close it.
See also
Creating and assigning editing modes for diagram types
Go up to
Reducing workspace complexity when editing diagrams