Getting started > Getting started with System Architect > Getting started: Working with encyclopedias > Creating and opening encyclopedias
Creating and opening encyclopedias
Within System Architect you typically begin working by starting the product and creating a new encyclopedia, or opening one that someone else has created. However, you can open a prebuilt encyclopedia that is shipped with the product, called Samples, that already has been populated with diagrams and definitions for a Hotel Reservation System.
The Samples encyclopedia is shipped as database, so it must be attached to your server before you begin work. You can do this by using the Startup Wizard; SAEM tool; or Microsoft Enterprise Manager.
The example encyclopedias are in this directory:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Encyclopedias
They include:
Object Model.mdf
Other example encyclopedias are provided if you have installed additional options, such as the Simulation option (Simulation_Tutorial.mdf) and DoDAF option (DoDAF Samples.mdf and DoDAF_Tutorial.mdf).
If the default settings are used when running the Startup Wizard, all of these encyclopedias are attached to your server.
To verify if Samples is attached
1 Start System Architect: Click Start > UNICOM Systems > System Architect, or double-click the System Architect program icon.
2 Open the Samples encyclopedia:
If you installed System Architect using the default settings, the Samples encyclopedia is attached to your local server.
If the title bar includes “(Samples)” appears. the Samples encyclopedia is already open.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To open the Samples encyclopedia
1 If the Samples encyclopedia is not open, click File > Open Encyclopedia, and then click the Existing tab.
2 In the Connection list, select choose your local server. The Connection is a pointer between the server and the encyclopedia (database) that you are opening/creating.
System Architect displays the encyclopedias that are connected to the server.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Click Samples.
If Samples is not in the list, it has not been attached to your server. To attach it, see Attaching encyclopedias.
4 To open the encyclopedia automatically when you start System Architect, select Open this encyclopedia at start up.
5 Click OK.
Attaching encyclopedias
See also
Setting preferences for encyclopedias
Navigating encyclopedias using the Explorer
Getting started: Working with encyclopedias