Installing > Installing System Architect > Post‑installation tasks
Post‑installation tasks
After you have installed your product, complete the post-installation tasks to configure and verify the installation.
1 Verify that you can start System Architect.
See Starting System Architect.
2 Install Microsoft SQL Server Express, if you are planning to work with encyclopedias locally.
See Installing SQL Server Express.
3 Install System Architect to each user’s client computer.
4 Install the add-on products.
See Installing add-on products.
5 Set up System Architect to use non-English character sets
See Using System Architect with non-English character sets
6 Configure product options.
See Configuring System Architect.
7 Configure user access rights to servers, catalogs, and encyclopedias.
See Configuring user access rights to servers, catalogs, and encyclopedias.
8 Enable local language support if not done during the product installation.
See Enabling local language for user interfaces.
9 Enable user profiles for when users log onto the product from different computers on a network.
See Enabling roaming user profiles.
10 If you are moving from a version earlier than System Architect 11.4, you will need to migrate your existing encyclopedias.
11 Configure encryption for encyclopedia connections.
See Configuring encryption for encyclopedia connections,
12 Verify that several key functions are working.
See also
Installing System Architect