Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Tools menu > Convert to 10.3
Convert to 10.3
System Architect encyclopedias are version-specific. As you upgrade your versions of System Architect, you need to upgrade your encyclopedias for those versions. It follows that for System Architect 10.3 to open an encyclopedia created in 10.0/10.1 version, it needs to upgrade the encyclopedia.
Encyclopedias are not upgraded automatically. When opening an encyclopedia for the first time, System Architect 10.3 prompts you whether you want to upgrade and informs you that you will not be able to open the encyclopedia with a prior version after you upgrade it to 10.3.
To convert an encyclopedia from prior version to 10.3
1 Select any database on the local server (by choosing Database, Select Database or select one from the drop-down menu in the database toolbar).
2 Select Tools, Convert to 10.3.
A message appears in the Messages window to tell you when the conversion is complete.
3 Run System Architect, and then open the encyclopedia.
Note To upgrade your System Architect encyclopedias, you only need to open the encyclopedias with the latest version of System Architect. The above only applies to encyclopedias prior to 10.3 format.
See also
Tools menu