Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM)
SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM)
System Architect encyclopedias use SQL Server databases as their underlying repository. As such, administrative database functions, like creating a backup, could be performed independent of System Architect, with Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager. However, most SQL Server users cannot run Enterprise Manager; it is usually restricted to all but network administrators.
System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) lets a System Architect user run a select subset of SQL Server Enterprise Manager functions. The functions enable you to attach or detach a database from a server, create or restore database backups, and in general, perform all tasks you need to maintain and work with encyclopedias.
But SAEM is not for everyone. Use SAEM if you are running the SQL Server Express and you cannot run Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
Login to SQL Server
On the SAEM window, click Server, and then click Connect.
For more information, see Login to SQL Server
Working with SAEM
In general, any tasks that involve servers, databases, and associated database files can be done with SAEM. These tasks and more could also be done with Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Since most users do not have that utility, SAEM provides access to a select set of options and functions that are indispensable to the proper administration of encyclopedia databases.
For more information, see Working with SAEM
SAEM menus
For more information, see SAEM menus
For more information, see Reference