Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > View menu > Tasks
The Tasks command provides you with a window that gives you quick access to often repeated tasks. You can show/hide the Tasks window by selecting it from the Workspace menu. The Tasks window will be docked to the left side of SAEM. It contains these sections:
Connect to Server: Lists up to four recently used servers. You can open the Connect to Server dialog by selecting the last item in this section.
Set current database: Lists up to four recently used databases for the current server. If you change servers, the database list changes. You can display a list of all the databases by selecting the last item in this section. This section is only displayed when you are connected to a server.
Import file: Lists up to four recently imported files. You can also display the File Manager by selecting the last item in the section.
See also
View menu