SA XT for web access > System Architect XT > System Architect XT/Focal Point Gadget Dashboard > Gadget examples > Pivot Table
Pivot Table
A Pivot Table is an interactive table that allows you to select the columns displayed and perform some calculations based on what is displayed. You can create an example report with the following steps:
1 Add the Pivot Table to the Home page:
a Open the Editing My Home page (see To open the Editing My Home page).
b Scroll to the bottom, and then in the bottom left of the page click Add Window.
c Select Report Gadget.
d From the dropdown, select your connection that contains the Samples encyclopedia.
e Expand System Architect, and then select Pivot.
f Click OK.
g Click the Home Icon and you are returned to the Home page with the Pivot window available, but not configured.
2 Configure the Pivot Table:
a Click Select next to Connection, and then use the dropdowns to select the Samples Encyclopedia.
b Leave Report file checked.
c Click Select next to Report name.
d Select commercial.xml, expand Commercial, Dashboard Analytics, Infrastructure Table.
e Click OK. The report will be displayed.
f Experiment with adding and removing column data, to see how the Pivot Table is redisplayed and calculations are done.
See also
Gantt Chart
Gadget examples