SA XT for web access > System Architect XT > System Architect XT/Focal Point Gadget Dashboard > Gadget examples > Search
The Search gadget provides a means to search Diagrams or Definitions by name. You can create an example report with the following steps:
1 Add the Search to the Home page:
a Open the Editing My Home page (see To open the Editing My Home page).
b Scroll to the bottom, and then in the bottom left of the page click Add Window.
c Select Report Gadget.
d From the dropdown, select your connection that contains the Samples encyclopedia.
e Expand System Architect, and then select Search.
f Click OK.
g Click the Home Icon and you are returned to the Home page with the Report window available, but not configured.
2 Configure the Search:
a Click Select next to Connection, and then use the dropdowns to select the Samples Encyclopedia.
b Enter a Search string, such as Application, and then click Search. Any Definition with “Application” in it will be shown.
c Experiment with the Filter and Sort box to the left.
d Experiment with searching using the wildcard *. For example, A* returns all items starting with “A”.
e Click the gear symbol next to the Search title, change the Scope to Diagrams, and then click OK.
f Enter a new Search string – matching Diagrams will now be returned.
See also
Gantt Chart
Pivot Table
Gadget examples