Setting access control > System Architect security modes
System Architect security modes
System Architect is capable of running in three distinct security modes each enabling the Project Manager with various levels of control over who has access to a project encyclopedia. The current security mode is determined by the contents of the SABIND.DLL file which is in the System Architect application directory. The default is security mode 2.
Mode 1 (SABIND1.DLL)
User is a supervisor for all encyclopedias.
User has access to all encyclopedias.
Mode 2 (SABIND2.DLL)
User is never a supervisor.
User has access to all encyclopedias.
Mode 4 (SABIND4.DLL)
User has access to all encyclopedias.
There is a single global password. Any user can be the supervisor for any encyclopedia if the correct password is entered. See Security mode.
To change the security mode
Backup the copy of SABIND.DLL in the System Architect application directory, and rename the SABINDn.DLL module (where n is number 1, 2 or 4) to SABIND.DLL. For example, to run System Architect in security mode 1:
1 Rename the SABIND.DLL file in System Architect’s application directory to SABIND.BAK.
3 Start System Architect.
When System Architect starts it will run in security mode 1 granting supervisor to all users in all project encyclopedias. When a Project Manager has decided upon and setup the desired security mode they should remove the remaining SABINDn.DLL files from the application directory so as to prevent other users from changing security modes.
Note You cannot change security modes while System Architect is running. You must first exit System Architect, change security modes, and then re-start System Architect.