Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Diagrams > Visually comparing diagrams > Changing diagram opacity
Changing diagram opacity
When you compare diagrams, System Architect calculates the number of diagrams selected and sets their opacity accordingly. You can also select any diagram and change its opacity from a scale of 0% to 100%.
When comparing diagrams the output provides you with the diagram names and an opacity slider for each diagram.
If you are only comparing two diagrams the output provides you with the options to show the diagrams as Side-by-Side or as an Overlay. When selecting Side-by-Side, you are not presented with an opacity slider. Only the Overlay option provides you with an opacity slider for each diagram.
To change the opacity of diagrams in the comparison
1 Select the Slider that appears under the Diagram Name that you want to change.
2 Move the slider left towards 0% to decrease the opacity or right towards 100% to increase the opacity. The opacity changes for the selected diagram.
See also
Visually comparing diagrams