Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Grid and Reduced View command
Grid and Reduced View command
The Grid & Reduced View command is used to instruct System Architect to orient rectangular and line symbols to a grid, change the diagram-drawing grid settings, and change the Reduced View percentage for displaying diagrams on your screen.
Note The symbol grid will constrain the center point of the symbol if enabled.
If you modify the grid settings in the Grid & Reduced View dialog box and click OK without clicking the Save check box (at the bottom of the dialog box), your new settings become the defaults for your current session only.
If you close System Architect and then open it again, starting a new session, the original default grid settings will be in effect.
If you modify the grid settings in the Grid & Reduced View dialog box and click the Save check box, your new settings become the defaults for all future sessions.
See also
Changing diagram grid settings
Symbols and definitions