Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Changing the gradient fills for your diagram
Changing the gradient fills for your diagram
Gradient fill of symbols can be used to provide a more aesthetically pleasing view of a diagram.
When drawing your diagrams you can decide whether you want to add or remove the gradient fills from your diagram.
1 Select Tools > Session Options. Set GraphicsEffectsOn to Y.
Alternatively, you can also apply this change directly to your sa2001.ini file (typically in:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect directory
SA2001.INI Switches:
2 Restart System Architect, and then reopen the encyclopedia.
3 From the Explorer, open the diagram that you want to change.
4 Select Edit > Diagram Properties (or right-click the diagram workspace, and then click Diagram Properties).
5 Select Use Automatic Gradient Fills, and then click OK.
6 Save the diagram.
To remove the gradient fills from your diagram, clear this property, and then save the diagram.
See also
Gradient fills for diagrams
Setting default gradient fills for an encyclopedia
Symbols and definitions