Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Drawing symbols
Drawing symbols
In general, drawing a symbol is performed by selecting the particular symbol icon from a diagram’s toolbox, or the symbol's name from the Draw menu, and placing it onto the diagram.
To draw a rectangular symbol
1 Choose the desired rectangular symbol command (for example, Process) from the Draw Menu, or select the symbol from the Toolbox.
The cursor changes to a pencil and rectangle. The pencil indicates you are in draw mode, ready to place symbols in your diagram. The rectangle tells you that you will be placing a rectangular shaped symbol.
2 Move the cursor to the location on the diagram where the symbol should be placed.
3 Drag the symbol to its location.
Note The symbol grid will constrain the center point of the symbol if enabled. The setting for this is found in Format > Diagram Format > Grid & Reduced View.
Naming a symbol
The user is generally prompted for a name on drawing a symbol but it is not necessarily the case for all symbols. Session preferences govern how the prompt for names appears. Refer also to the topic Renaming a symbol or definition.
See also
Resizing a rectangular symbol
Symbols and definitions
Picture Symbol command
Using the Picture Browser to add pictures to diagrams