Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Modifying the look of a symbol > Imposing stylesheets on selected symbols
Imposing stylesheets on selected symbols
You can impose the stylesheet settings for color, font, and so on, on selected symbols on a diagram. To do this, perform the following steps:
1 Select the symbols on the diagram.
2 Choose Format > Stylesheet > Impose Style.
3 Click OK to the prompt verifying that you want to impose the stylesheet to the selected symbols.
Exception: The Entity Relation Diagram
The steps above work for all diagrams except the Entity Relation diagram, which represents the entity symbol on a diagram in one of three different ways -- as either an independent entity, a weak entity, or an associative entity. The type of entity is determined by the relationship it has with other entities (see the data modeling section of the help). Because of this, if you select all symbols on an ER diagram, and impose the Stylesheet on them (as described above), you can get three different styles of symbols: the stylesheet holds separate styles for each of the entity types.
For example, if you wanted to change all class symbols on a UML Class diagram from blue to green, you could perform the following steps:
1 Select a single class symbol on the diagram.
2 Select Format, Symbol Format, Symbol Style to open the Symbol Style dialog.
3 Select Set, Color Style.
4 Click Fill, Colors, and in the Color dialog, select a green color.
5 Click OK to close all dialogs. The current stylesheet now has green specified as the fill color for all class symbols.
6 On the diagram, select all the classes for which you want to change the color.
7 Select Format, Stylesheet, Impose. All classes will have their colors changed.
See also
Format menu: Format File
Modifying the look of a symbol