Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Defining symbols > Working with mirrored properties > Saving mirrored properties
Saving mirrored properties
You can customize System Architect with the Object Model or with the IMF interface to process mirrored properties. As described in the "Creating Mirrored Properties" section above, when you save a definition the mirrored properties reflect the change automatically. However, when one or more definitions needs to be saved due to a change in a mirrored property, and the definitions are locked, the situation is resolved as follows:
If the save function is run through API access, the definition will not be saved and the appropriate IMF error code is displayed. You can save the definition after the issue that prevented the save is resolved.
If the save function is run through the definition editor, the definition will not be saved. An information dialog states the task cannot be completed, and a "Save Errors" report window lists, for example, that the definition you are attempting to relate is "in use by User X." The definition editor keeps the definition open. You can click OK in the information dialog and save the definition, when the situation that prevented the save resolved.
Other considerations when saving or working with mirrored properties include:
If you are working on a definition with the definition editor, and the mirroring property is a grid, the grid will not contain a column to show the mirrored property.
When you mirror a property in the definition editor, and click the Define button to edit the related definition, the mirrored property is read-only in the edit sub-session.
Mirrored properties will not be replicated when copying an object.
See also
Using mirrored matrices
Working with mirrored properties