Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Workspaces > Workspaces and System Architect utilities > Comparing diagrams across workspaces
Comparing diagrams across workspaces
You can compare diagrams in an encyclopedia, or across workspaces in an encyclopedia.
Compare diagrams in encyclopedias
The option to compare diagrams in an encyclopedia is enabled whether you are working on a workspace or an encyclopedia with no workspaces: see Creating diagram comparisons.
Compare diagrams across workspaces
Use Diagram Compare > Across Workspace to compare a single diagram across different workspaces. This feature lets you see a single diagram at different times (or states) of its evolution.
To compare diagrams across workspaces
1 In the Explorer, select the diagram you want to compare. If you select a diagram that is not in one of the workspaces you select, a dialog informs you of this difference at the time you run the comparison.
2 Right click the diagram and then click Workspace Compare. Optionally, you can also click Tools > Compare Diagrams > Across Workspaces.
3 In the Select Workspace dialog, click each of the workspaces you want to compare. As shown below, you can select the baseline (MySampleRoot) or workspaces (‘To Be’ Workspace).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Click OK.
This displays the Compare Diagrams window in a browser. The sample below shows the result of a diagram comparison across the baseline ('MySampleRoot'), and two workspaces (''As Is' Workspace'' and ''To Be' Workspace').
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Workspaces and System Architect utilities