Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Comparing encyclopedias > Working with filter sets > SA Compare settings > Compare tab
Compare tab
The Compare tab sets whether or not to compare common properties, how records should be matched (or compared), and the name and folder in which to save your comparison output file. Following is a brief description of available options.
Compare common properties only limits the comparison to common properties. An object in System Architect is identified by its Full Name or by its GUID. If your encyclopedias contain un-named definitions, or un-named symbols, it is recommended that you use the GUID option. This is because such objects can only be identified and compared by their GUID, which is always unique. The Output field contains the file path and name for the main output file. This XML file is created by combining the two output XML files created in the Encyclopedia comparison procedure.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
SA Compare settings