Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Comparing encyclopedias > Working with filter sets > SA Compare settings > Display tab
Display tab
The Display tab sets which records, of those compared, to display in the output. This enables you to create different outputs of the same comparison. Following is a brief description of available options.
The Display filter sets list displays the currently selected filter set. A filter set contains the diagrams and definitions you choose to display. Use Edit to open the Display Filter dialog. Display HTML after compare launches your website in your default internet browser as soon as it is generated; always select this option.
The Input directory and the Stylesheet fields contain the directories where the files used by System Architect Compare to generate your websites are stored. The Output directory is where your website is created.
After you run a comparison for the first time, you can use the Display Output option to generate a second website, which might display different objects. When doing so, you might want to select a different Output directory, if you do not want the second site to overwrite the first.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
SA Compare settings