Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository > Introduction to views in Explorer > Explorer panes
Explorer panes
The Explorer is subdivided into panes. Each Pane contains views. By default, System Architect provides multiple views, each for particular methodologies, in addition to an All pane and a My Views pane. You can create your own panes, and for quick access, assign them icons to be displayed at the bottom of the Explorer.
The "All" pane
The "All" Pane shows all diagrams and definitions in the current encyclopedia. These artifacts are presented by the running of reports against the repository to yield all contents. In Enterprise encyclopedias, the objects that you see depend on the permissions of the Role you are assigned. If your Role is a Data Modeler for example, your "All" displays only those objects assigned to that Role. Only users with Administrator permissions on encyclopedias can determine which objects are displayed in the "All"pane.
The "My Views" pane
The My Views Pane is created by the System Architect installation. The Pane is empty by default, and you can add your own Views into this Pane.
See also Creating panes and views.
See also
Introduction to views in Explorer