Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Analytics > Analytic collection definition
Analytic collection definition
An analytic collection definition contains analytic definitions (see Analytics). This makes it easy to create a list of associated analytic definitions, and chose whether to run one or all analytics on a currently open diagram. You can also select the diagram types that the analytic collection is associated with. Because the analytic collection definition relies on the presence of analytic definitions, you might want to create these before you create an analytic collection. Alternatively, you can also create analytic definitions when you are creating the analytic collection definition through the Add button in the edit session.
To create an analytic collection
1 Open the encyclopedia in which you want to create the analytic collection definition.
2 With the Explorer showing the All pane, right-click the Definition node, and then click New.
3 Select the Analytic Collection from the list of definition types, and then click OK.
4 Enter the name for the analytic collection and then click OK.
The definition edit session is displayed, with the Introduction tab showing Page 1 of 2.
5 Depending on whether analytic definitions already exist in the encyclopedia, proceed as follows:
If Analytic definitions already exist in the encyclopedia, click Choices. Select one or more analytic definitions, and drag them onto the Associated Analytics field. You can associate legacy analytic definitions, referred to as “non- heatmap” analytics. These are analytic definitions you might have created before the introduction of the analytic collection definition and the Heat Map Manager.
If there are no analytic definitions in the encyclopedia (or there are none that you want to use from those available), you can create a new Analytic definition in your current edit session. To do so, in the Associated Analytics field, enter a name for the new Analytic definition and click Add. To enter values and parameters for the Analytic definition you are adding, click Define.
6 Click the right arrow at the top of the Introduction tab to go to Page 2 of 2. You need to associate the diagram types for the analytic collection.
7 In the Possible Diagram Types field, enter the diagram types that you want to associate with the analytic collection. The diagram types you associate here will display the Analytic Collection when you open that diagrams type and open the Heat Map Manager.
Although Choices is enabled, diagram types are not shown on the ensuing dialog. Therefore, you have to enter the diagram types manually, for example, “Organizational Chart”.
8 Click Add.
9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each of the diagrams you want to add.
10 Click OK.
When you open one of the diagram types that you added above, and open the Heat Map Manager, the analytic collection you created will be shown for that diagram type.
See also