Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Analytics
Analytics are an important means of understanding the information that the enterprise architecture hold. Analytics functions in System Architect enable you to run metrics reports on information in the repository, and indicate results of such metrics on diagrams.
There are three elements to analytics:
Metamodel commands that enable you to specify indicators of fill colors or images that get displayed next to symbols on diagrams (in a fixed position around the border of the symbol).
Definition types called analytics and analytic collections, which enables you to control invocation of an analytic on a diagram or on the information in the repository as a whole. You can execute these analytics from the Heat Map Manager. You can also execute the Explorer Object and Explorer Relationship reports, only on Explorer diagrams from the Heat Map Manager.
The two features above provide a user interface and visualization capability to any Microsoft Visual Basic Application macro that you want to build for any particular metric.
See also
Analytic definition
Analytic collection definition
Analytic examples in System Architect
Building analytics
Heat Map Manager
Analytic definition
Removing analytics or analytic collections
Analytic Builder Wizard
Overview of using basic capabilities